viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012


Pelina is the name of a girl to whom things happen to her hair.
Each story is told in three or four frames as in a comic.
With some of them we published a hand-made book and manufactured collection dolls.
Both objects are for kids over 4 years old and adults who enjoy esthetic and childhood imagery.

We introduce them to you!

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Muñecas. Pelina y el pulpo enamorado. Rellenas con guata; ojos, nariz, ombligo y boca están bordados a mano. El pulpo se puede adherir a la cabeza o a la cintura. 50 x 30 cm./ Dolls. Pelina and the Octopus in love. The octopus can be separated from the doll and it can be placed on the head or hip. Size 50 x 30 cm. They are puffed with cotton wool. The eyes, nose, belly button and mouth are embroidered.

Muñecas. Pelina ciervo. Rellenas con guata; ojos, nariz, ombligo y boca bordados a mano. 50 x 30 cm./ Dolls. Pelina deer hairstyle. The deer can be separated from de doll. Size 50 x 30 cm. They are puffed with cotton wool. The eyes, nose, belly button and mouth are embroidered.

Libro. 20 páginas. 17 x 13 cm. Impresión artesanal sobre hojas de 120 grs/ It is a 20 pages book. Size 17 x 13 cm. Hand-made printed in conqueror lair bri wait 120 gr. sheets

Pelina llanto permanente/ Pelina permanent crying.

Se saca un bebé/ She takes a baby out

y los demás se callan/ And the others become quiet.

Termina llorando ella/ She ends up crying.

Pelina y un peinado peligroso/ Pelina and a dangerous hairstyle.

Se consume el espiral/ The spiral consumes

y un mosquito le pica la frente/ and a mosquito bites her forehead.

Pelina y el pulpo enamorado/ Pelina and the Octopus in love.

El pulpo se desliza hasta sus hombros/ The Octopus slides up to her arms.

Baja hasta su panza y le hace cosquillas/ Goes down to her belly and tickles her.

Pelina agua y vino/ Pelina water and wine.

Tiene un vaso y el pelo se lo llena/ She has a glass and the hair fills it.

Toma agua y vino/ She drinks water and wine.

Pelina y una caída de pelo inusual/ Pelina and an unusual hair loss.

Se le caen algunas cerezas. Ella las mira/ She drops some cherries. She looks at them.

Se lleva una a la boca/ She takes one to her mouth.

Pelina peinado ciervo/ Pelina deer hairstyle.

Se encuentra con un ciervo/ She bumps into a deer.

Se sube a él y se pierden en el horizonte/ She gets on the deer and they get lost in the horizon.